- Mother Squeezer
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- Friday - August 12, 2022
Friday - August 12, 2022
Today's newsletter will take 3.39 minutes to read.
DRS UPDATE: 52.082*% (estimated percent of shares direct registered)
*source: Computershared.net
On tap this morning:
Yesterday's market recap
Stock recap
GameStop NFT update
Did you know?
Squeeze update
Pre market update
Ryan Says
Congratulations! For the first time, we've crossed over the 52% mark with number of share's being direct registered, woohoo! It certainly feels like DRS is accelerating.
Yesterday's trading session felt...actually, pretty normal. We opened up, then dropped, then started climbing, then got chopped down and closed up for BBBY and down for GME. We even made it through the day without any trading halts.
Normally we only talk about GameStop and Bed Bath and Beyond but we have an update on one more company today. Northern Tissue touched a new bottom, and millions of investors were wiped clean. /joke
We run a clean publication around here and you can assist by doing your part...with your parts.
Good Morning! This is Mother Squeezer, the quirky newsletter bringing you clever life hacks, updates and insights along with pertinent information about our favorite Activist Investor, Ryan Cohen, and our favorite stocks - GME and BBBY.
Well, you have a point...
Today's time saving life hack:
Hey we're all about being efficient, but we're not so sure about this one. Maybe you try it first?
So today is Friday which means max pain can factor into today's price action more than most other trading days. For GameStop the magic number is $40 and for Bed Bath and Beyond max pain is $9. We're curious to see how the trading day concludes.
Similar to yesterday, BBBY started the morning up, but was taken down twice throughout the trading day, but still managed to close up on the session. It ended the day at $10.63 after bottoming out at $10.06. Before the first drop, it peaked out at $11.45 on slightly lower than average volume. It ended the day exchanging over 37 million shares. This has brought our average volume down to just over 40 million shares.
There were 150,000 shares available to borrow earlier this morning, but some new ones just appeared and 250,000 are available as of now. The cost to borrow is boiling over this morning, currently at 21.38%. Watch out! That was a significant increase since yesterday.
GameStop closed down 2.66% ending Thursday at $39.45. Trading volume was lower than average. There were just over 5 million shares exchanged, coming in below our average trading volume of 6.65 million shares.
Earlier this morning there were 150,000 shares available to borrow. Currently, 75,000 are available. The cost to borrow dropped slightly again, currently at 27.4%.
Here's the latest activity from GameStopNFT on Twitter:
What's black and white and blocky all over? Loopingu! Find him from @h4s4rek now at GameStop NFT
— GameStopNFT (@GameStopNFT)
2:54 PM • Aug 11, 2022
Ok, we'll check Loopingu out: https://twitter.com/h4s4rek
Did you know?
As of yesterday evening, GameStopNFT had processed over $16,483,188.59 worth of NFT transactions. GameStopNFT launched exactly one month ago yesterday.
Squeeze Update
Dave Lauer is one of the "good guys". He is the CEO at Urvin Finance and also a Market Structure and Technology Architecture Consultant. Some of his work includes working on public policy with Better Markets and technology architecture with IEX, a new equity market. Previously, he worked as a senior quantitative analyst at Allston Trading and Citadel Investment Group.
When Dave speaks, we listen. Yesterday he tweeted this:
According to analysis from @buyinsnet shorts are underwater in AMC and deeply underwater in GME. Squeeze prices (the price at which shorts are losing money) are $23.51 for AMC and $16.46 (!) for GME.
— Dave Lauer (@dlauer)
3:42 PM • Aug 11, 2022
It doesn't take a mathematician to see that when GameStop is trading at more than double the point of being underwater for the short sellers, the fees to keep these positions open are growing exponentially. That's why we're zen in this uncertain market.
Pre Market
GameStop is trading up about $0.47 to $39.92, an increase of about 1.19% and Bed Bath and Beyond is starting out higher this morning, trading up $0.25 to $10.88, up around 2.35% in pre market.
Ryan Says
While we wait on Ryan Cohen's next tweet, we'll honor activity from earlier this year. A few months back, he posted this:
We're thinking this refers to the BCG consultants that the previous GameStop regime had employed. In case you weren't aware, there's an ongoing lawsuit with GameStop and BCG and Ryan is not real happy with them. More about that here.
We believe Ryan Cohen is becoming this generation's premier activist investor. That's why we created this newsletter - to help others become aware.
Have a fantastic Friday and we'll be back in your inbox on Monday morning so enjoy your next few days without us, or invite us over!
Good luck getting that out of your head today...even with the typo.
Spread the Word
We love Ryan Cohen and think he's the greatest Activist Investor of our generation. We are passionate followers of his moves and words and would love for others to know more about this great leader. We feel strongly that life is all about learning who to follow. If you have someone that needs more RC in their life, share Mother Squeezer with them!
That's significant because Ryan Cohen was born in 1985 or 1986.
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Financial Disclaimer: None of this is meant to be financial advice. We love Ryan Cohen, RC Ventures, GameStop and Bed Bath and Beyond, and like learning and sharing these insights and commentary.