Tuesday - October 4, 2022

Today's newsletter will take 2.37 minutes to read.

DRS UPDATE: 54.62*% (estimated percent of GME shares direct registered)

On tap this morning:

  • Monday recap

  • GameStop NFT update

  • Did you know?

  • Shop Tacos

  • Ryan Says

Good Morning! This is Mother Squeezer, the newsletter that enjoys tacos with you and brings you clever life hacks, updates and insights, along with timely information about our favorite Activist Investor, Ryan Cohen, and our favorite stocks - GME and BBBY.

Today isn't just Tuesday. It's not just Taco Tuesday. Today is National Taco Day.

In pre market, most stocks are up this morning. That looks like a clear indication of the ripple effects from the excitement of National Taco Day. Do you know why did the taco blushed? Because it saw the salad dressing. /joke

Today's clever life hack ends the decision of choosing between wearing a face mask and eating tacos.


Bed Bath and Beyond

Monday Recap: BBBY traded between a low of $5.83 and a high of $6.10 before closing at $5.99. Trading volume was 6.33 million shares.

Cost to borrow: There were 1,200,000 shares available to borrow this morning and as of now, 900,000 remain. The cost to borrow has dropped a tad to 12.3%.

Pre market: Bed Bath and Beyond is trading up $0.13 to $6.12 an increase of 2.17% on over 90 thousand volume.

Max pain: The current max pain for BBBY has dropped to $6.50.


Monday Recap: GME traded between a low of $24.21 and a high of $25.63 before closing at $25.38. Trading volume was 2.65 million shares.

Cost to borrow: There were 600,000 shares available earlier this morning. Currently there are 300,000 remaining. The cost to borrow has remained steady at 10.0%.

Pre market: GameStop is trading up $0.77 to $26.15 an increase of 3.03% on 40 thousand volume.

Max pain: The current max pain for GME has remained at $26.00.

GameStopNFT retweeted:

It's exciting to watch GameStopNFT grow up right in front of our eyes. It seems new features and functionality are being introduced weekly.

Did you know?

The first references to the taco in any sort of archive or dictionary come from the end of the 19th century. And one of the first types of tacos described is called tacos de minero—miner’s tacos. So the taco is not necessarily this age-old cultural expression; it’s not a food that goes back to time immemorial.

Shop Tacos

Although GameStop doesn't currently offer any 'taco' products, Bed Bath and Beyond has 158 'taco' items!

We encourage you to spend at one of our favorite retailers and upgrade your taco items for National Taco Day!

Ryan Says

Ryan replied with this on Twitter back in July:

Marc Cohodes is a notorious short seller. We're not sure why he's got a bone to pick with Ryan.

Spread the Word

We love Ryan Cohen and think he's the greatest Activist Investor of our generation. We are passionate followers of his moves and words and would love for others to know more about this great leader. We feel strongly that life is all about learning who to follow. If you have someone that needs more RC in their life, share Mother Squeezer with them!

Some of our Favorite Resources

Why We Believe GameStop is the Greatest Upcoming Investment in Our Lifetime
Richard Newton

For errors, omissions or if you have something to share? Let us know!

Financial Disclaimer: None of this is meant to be financial advice. We love Ryan Cohen, RC Ventures, GameStop and Bed Bath and Beyond, and like learning and sharing these insights and commentary.


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