Wednesday - August 24, 2022

Today's newsletter will take 3.43 minutes to read.

DRS UPDATE: 48.869*% (estimated percent of GME shares direct registered)

On tap this morning:

  • Tuesday recap

  • GameStop NFT update

  • Did you know?

  • Full Disclosure

  • Ryan Says

Good Morning! This is Mother Squeezer, the newsletter that doesn't have a shady disclosure, but does bring you clever life hacks, updates and insights along with timely information about our favorite Activist Investor, Ryan Cohen, and our favorite stocks - GME and BBBY.

Let's get right to it. Bed Bath and Beyond is getting a loan!

BREAKING: The Wall Street Journal reported late yesterday evening that Bed Bath and Beyond has secured a loan with help from JP Morgan Chase.

That is very exciting news! It means, bankruptcy isn't in the cards for now.

Hey wait, didn't Ryan Cohen use JP Morgan when exiting his position in BBBY - could this all be connected? 🤔

We were hanging out with our old football coach when the news broke. Funny enough, he had just returned from Chase. You know what he said after returning from the bank? I want my quarterback. /joke

While we're waiting to see how the market responds to this news, we can't help but feel grateful. All of our sacrificing and saving for more shares is about to pay off. Here's an idea you can use to start saving money everyday too:

If You Sleep Till Noon You Only Have To Pay For 2 Meals Instead Of 3

Just be sure to read Mother Squeezer as soon as you wake!

We're still expecting an update on buybuy Baby before the end of the month so buckle up!

Bed Bath and Beyond

Tuesday Recap: Bed Bath and Beyond traded within a range of $9.82 on the high side and $8.45 on the low. We ended the day at $8.78 on much lower volume.

Cost to borrow: There were 1,300,000 shares available to borrow this morning and as of now, 0 remain. The cost to borrow has dropped a little to 17.4%.

Pre market: Bed Bath and Beyond is trading up $2.55 to $11.30 an increase of 29.04% on over 18 million volume.

Max pain: The current max pain for BBBY has dropped to $12.


Tuesday Recap: GameStop traded pretty flat yesterday. With a high of $34.99 and a low of $33.45, it was a tight trading range. We ended the day at $33.53 on lower than average volume.

Cost to borrow: There were 500,000 shares available earlier this morning. Currently there are 250,000 remaining. The cost to borrow has remained steady at 14.1%.

Pre market: GameStop is trading up $0.92 to $34.45 an increase of 2.74% on 170 thousand volume.

Max pain: The current max pain for GME has dropped to $35.75.

GameStopNFT tweeted:

We weren't familiar with @sleepersystem before but happy to see it on the GameStopNFT marketplace. Check them out:

Did you know?

We're based in the DC area so we found this rather interesting.

On this date in 1814, British Forces under the command of Major General Robert Ross entered Washington DC with orders to “destroy Washington”, the invading force looted and burn the recently constructed government buildings in what was then the fledgling 14 year old capital of the United States.

    Full Disclosure

    An article published yesterday, late afternoon on Seeking Alpha was…well, kind of frightening - until we read the disclosure. It was titled “Bed Bath & Beyond: Beyond Reorganization” and was written by Hadrian Capital Management. As you should expect by now, it was full of the typical FUD.

    We’ll summarize:

    • Bed Bath & Beyond is likely prepping a liquidating Chapter 11 in the next 30 days.

    • The company has exhausted its liquidity and requires new money DIP financing to preserve the value of its bankruptcy estate.

    • A Buy Buy Baby 363 sale will not save holders of Bed Bath & Beyond common shares, who will recover 0% in bankruptcy.

    • Bed Bath & Beyond's senior unsecured notes are currently undervalued if a Buy Buy Baby 363 sale fetches at least a couple hundred million.

    Scary, right? Well, until you start laughing.

    The funny thing about this article was found in the disclosure.

    Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial short position in the shares of BBBY either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

    This is not a joke! Click the link above to view the article for yourself.

    Where would we be today without the internet? It would be much more difficult to discover contrary information to dispel a narrative being cast by those with an agenda. In this case, Hadrian Capital Management has a financial incentive to scare people out of their positions in BBBY. Bullish!

    Speaking of joke, did you see this? Victor just became a legend!

    In case you weren't aware, CNBC and other mainstream media portrays GameStop and Bed Bath and Beyond as "meme stocks" to try and discredit them.

    Ryan Says

    While the entire world awaits Ryan's next tweet, let's revisit one of his previous thoughts:

    Ryan knows the markets aren't fair. We believe he's getting ready to change that. We are witnessing history.

    We believe Ryan Cohen is becoming this generation's premier activist investor. That's why we created this newsletter - to help others become aware.

    Spread the Word

    We love Ryan Cohen and think he's the greatest Activist Investor of our generation. We are passionate followers of his moves and words and would love for others to know more about this great leader. We feel strongly that life is all about learning who to follow. If you have someone that needs more RC in their life, share Mother Squeezer with them!

    Some of our Favorite Resources

    Why We Believe GameStop is the Greatest Upcoming Investment in Our Lifetime
    Richard Newton

    For errors, omissions or if you have something to share? Let us know!

    Financial Disclaimer: None of this is meant to be financial advice. We love Ryan Cohen, RC Ventures, GameStop and Bed Bath and Beyond, and like learning and sharing these insights and commentary.


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