- Mother Squeezer
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- Wednesday - November 2, 2022
Wednesday - November 2, 2022
Today's newsletter will take 2.27 minutes to read.

DRS UPDATE: 56.95*% (estimated percent of GME shares direct registered)

*source: Computershared.net

On tap this morning:
Tuesday recap
GameStop NFT update
Did you know?
Mic Drop Moment
Ryan Says

Good Morning! This is Mother Squeezer, the newsletter that counts down the days and brings you clever life hacks, updates and insights, along with timely information about our favorite Activist Investor, Ryan Cohen, and our favorite stocks - GME and BBBY.
Somedays there's not much to talk about while we're waiting.

Dogs are quick but why do flowers run so fast? They put the petal to the metal. /joke
If you find yourself traveling with your dog, today's clever life hack shows you how to do so and your dog and keep him in place:

What could possibly be worse than raining cats and dogs? Hailing taxis!

Tuesday Recap: BBBY traded between a low of $4.40 and a high of $4.78 before closing at $4.41. Trading volume was 10.53 million shares.
Cost to borrow: There were 500,000 shares available to borrow this morning and as of now, 500,000 remain. The cost to borrow has remained at 7.4%.
Pre market: Bed Bath and Beyond is trading up $0.07 to $4.48 an increase of 1.59% on over 100 thousand volume.
Max pain: The current max pain for BBBY has remained at $5.00.

Tuesday Recap: GME traded between a low of $27.62 and a high of $29.69 before closing at $28.39. Trading volume was 5.13 million shares.
Cost to borrow: There were 350,000 shares available earlier this morning. Currently there are 200,000 remaining. The cost to borrow has dropped to 9.0%.
Pre market: GameStop is trading down $0.29 to $28.10 a decrease of 1.02% on 25 thousand volume.
Max pain: The current max pain for GME has remained at $27.50.

GameStopNFT tweeted:
Creator Clips #onIMX
.@TheImmortalGame Head of Growth Yuri Pereira dives into the world's first play-and-earn chess platform with @Immutable
— GameStopNFT (@GameStopNFT)
11:38 AM • Oct 28, 2022
Here's another Creator Clips from GameStopNFT with The Immortal Game. What do you think?

Did you know?

Everyone knows that Tupac and Biggie used to be good friends before they ignited the rap feud which started the great East vs West Coast rap beef. But Tupac also apparently bought Big his first Rolex - highlighting how tight they once were.

Mic Drop Moment
Often times, after reading the content on Twitter and Reddit pertaining to GameStop and Bed Bath and Beyond we bring you a summary. Sometimes, we have to bring you the source because we can't simplify it anymore than it already is.
Today, we bring you a piece to read and comprehend for you to formulate your own thoughts. "Biggy" is a very well respected member from the BBBY subreddit:
This is a mic drop moment and "Biggy" is placing "his" reputation on the line.

Tldr; 🚀🚀🚀.

Ryan Says
Ryan tweeted this back in December 2020:
Based on interactions, there seems to be something going on with GameStop and Blockbuster. We're not sure what, but we're excited to find out what it is!

Spread the Word
We love Ryan Cohen and think he's the greatest Activist Investor of our generation. We are passionate followers of his moves and words and would love for others to know more about this great leader. We feel strongly that life is all about learning who to follow. If you have someone that needs more RC in their life, share Mother Squeezer with them!

Some of our Favorite Resources

BBBY: Ben - Mr. Business

GME: Richard Newton

For errors, omissions or if you have something to share? Let us know!

Financial Disclaimer: None of this is meant to be financial advice. We love Ryan Cohen, RC Ventures, GameStop and Bed Bath and Beyond, and like learning and sharing these insights and commentary.
